December 6

Real Talks #4: Social Responsibility

The Social Hub Amsterdam
19h - 21h


Real Talks is an initiative by RA*W and The Student Hotel to open up the conversation about taboos in the creative industry. Our aim is to inspire young talent, share insights and build a better future together. With different perspectives, more colour, more opinions, more diversity and more openness. Previous editions of Real Talks have discussed themes such as Stereotyping, Work-Life Balance and Gender Inequality. Now we're up for the next one!

#4: Social Responsibility

This fourth Real Talks is about social responsibility. Is the creative industry responsible for making the world a better place? When do we label a brand or business as socially responsible? Is purchase behavior representative of what consumers really want? Do we have to change ‘bad’ companies or do we only need to work with ‘good’ ones?

A new generation is asking for a more purpose-driven approach. Brands and other companies are making a shift towards making work that has a lot to do with the scope of responsibility. The responsible work is starting to become of such importance, is even starting to become a determining factor at international award shows (e.g. Cannes Lions). But.. Is it really the industry's place, to make the world a better place? And if so, why - or why not?

Let’s have this Real Talk together! 💯


BCorp - Community & Communication Lead
Daan van Apeldoorn
180 Headshot Ersem Ercil 2 2
180 Global - Art Director
Ersem Ercil
Jasemen Nassab
AMARU - Junior Strategist
Jasemen Nassab
DAWN - Partner Strategy & Culture
Jurian van der Hoeven
Luke Purdy
Wieden + Kennedy - Director of Social Impact
Luke Purdy

Providing you with plenty of perspectives!

Based on two panel discussions, led by Jhelisa Panfred (strategist Herc, boardmember RA*W) and Gijs Lammers (Design director G2K, boardmember RA*W), the conversation will be opened with the panelists above. In addition to the panelists, the audience also has an important role. Regular input from the audience will be solicited to provide the conversation with as many views as possible.



18.30 - Entry

19.00 - Introduction of RA*W & TSH

19.15 - Panel Discussion by Gijs

20.00 - Panel Discussion by Jhelisa

21.00 - Drinks

Practical Info


Tuesday, 6 December 2022 at 18:30


This event is live at The Social Hub Amsterdam (Wibautstraat)

Ticket price

€5 (excl. service fee) 🖤 All proceeds of this event will be donated to charity. Stay tuned to see where!

