February 23

Production session: CZAR Amsterdam

CZAR Amsterdam, Danzigerbocht 45g, Amsterdam
18h - 22h
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RA*W x CZAR | Production session

We’re proud to announce that our first session of 2023 is at CZAR Amsterdam!

Have you ever wondered how the commercials you watch or the films you scroll through are brought to life? Wonder no more! This production session at CZAR Amsterdam will take you behind the scenes of a commercial shoot💥

Learn about the lifespan of a short film from their producers and directors: from agency pitch, to treatment, to set in three different break-out sessions🚀

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About CZAR Amsterdam

CZAR Amsterdam is a creative film and photography production house. They represent directors and photographers – from the young and curious to the established and seasoned. Creating content ranging commercials, music videos and fashion films with their in-house team of producers.

The session

Break-out 1: The Pitch Process

Winning a film pitch is no simple task. Senior Producer Carolien will dissect and explain the agency pitch process which we undertake for every commercial we make.

Break-out 2: Bringing a Script to Life

Director Aaron van Valen (Director of Mocro Mafia, Sleepers and making commercials for McDonalds, KLM, AJAX to name a few.) talks us through how he brings a script to life. Be it for McDonalds or Krasloten: how does he give his spin on a script?

Break-out 3: Set-Life

Senior Producer Marius van de Weerd has traveled all over the world for our productions. From Iceland to Korea: he’s been there and he has collected stories. This session will give a behind-the-scenes peak of what a commercial film set entails, with lots of personal anecdotes: from the chaos to the unforgettable.

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18:30-19:00 Walk-in & grab a drink and a chair

19:00-19:30 Introduction of RA*W & CZAR

19:30-19:40 Short break

19:45-20:05 First BO session: The Pitch Process

20:15-20:25 Second BO session: Bringing a Script to Life

20:35-20:55 Third BO session: Set-Life

21:05-22:30 Drinks!

Practical Info

For who is the workshop?

Anyone who is graduating or already employed (0-5 yr) and interested to learn more about production.

When is the workshop?

February 23, 18:30 @ Czar Amsterdam (Danzigerbocht 45g, 1013 AM Amsterdam)

How much are tickets?

Tickets? €5 (excluding transactional costs)

Also, nice to know, we will be donating all proceeds of the tickets to charity.